The Breathe Network's online course, Healing Sexual Trauma: Foundations in Trauma-Informed Care, will offer you a unique combination of education and training co-facilitated by 20 professionals working in the realms of sexual trauma, anti-sexual violence advocacy, holistic healing and resilience building. 

This comprehensive course is intended to encompass a wide breadth of information that we believe is vital when it comes to being a resource of safety, support and referrals for sexual trauma survivors. It is geared towards healing arts and health and wellness providers of all disciplines including, among others: acupuncturists, bodyworkers, yoga teachers, therapists, personal trainers, social workers, nurse practitioners, medical doctors, and more. 

Healing Sexual Trauma includes approximately 20 hours of video interviews, transcripts, and a curated list of related, supplemental readings.

Participants will have ongoing access to all course content. This allows you to move through the course at a pace that feels right to you. It is up to you to choose when you begin to review the content and the rhythm at which you move through it.

Teaching Team

Molly Boeder Harris, Kate Busby, Jane Clapp, Randy Ellison, Margaret Howard, Maira Holzmann, Ryan Maher, Nicole Marcia, Jamie Marich, Santa Molina Marshall, Robyn Mourning, michael munson, Nkem Ndefo, Klarissa Oh, Jessica Schaffer, Aishah Shahidah Simmons, Lawrence Stern, Greg Wieting and Zabie Yamasaki

Course Curriculum

  Welcome and Orientation to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Individual and Collective Trauma - Navigating Adversity and Cultivating Healing featuring Maira Holzmann and Robyn Mourning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wired for Resilience - Partnering with the Nervous System featuring Jessica Schaffer
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Imprints of Sexual Trauma Part 1 - Honoring Survivors’ Wounds and Resilience featuring Randy Ellison, michael munson, Kerry Naughton, Klarissa Oh, and Aishah Shahidah Simmons
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Imprints of Sexual Trauma Part 2 - Recognizing Resources with Mind, Body and Soul featuring Santa Molina Marshall and Zabie Yamasaki
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Primary Elements within Trauma-Informed Practice featuring Dr. Jamie Marich and Greg Wieting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Infusing Trauma-Informed Care within Healing Spaces - Acupuncture, Yoga and Bodywork featuring Kate Busby, Nicole Marcia and Lawrence Stern
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Infusing Trauma-Informed Care within Healing Spaces - Psychotherapy, Personal Training and Birth featuring Jane Clapp, Ryan Maher and Nkem Ndefo
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Restoration and Nourishment for Healers featuring Margaret Howard and Robyn Mourning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Closing Message from The Breathe Network
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Please note: partial scholarships are available for this course through our Embodying Survivor Justice fund. We will prioritize access for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Please contact Tosha at [email protected] to learn more about this program. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need prior trauma training or experience to enroll in this course?

No. The content is accessible and engaging to both new and seasoned practitioners. We welcome practitioners who are just beginning to intentionally connect their work with supporting sexual trauma survivors, and we find that those with a well-established professional practice find new insights, perspectives, and tangible practices that can infuse within their work.

I am a medical doctor who doesn't directly treat patients for the impacts of sexual trauma, would I benefit from being in this learning space? 

Absolutely! When we talk about holistic health and healing, that includes all forms of care, support, and resources that comprise our physical, psychological and other forms of well-being. This course will give you an in-depth understanding of the prevalence of sexual trauma, how it lands in survivors' bodies and psyches, how it might show up in a health/healing space, and tangible ways you can adapt your care to make it more trauma-informed. Whether or not your patient explicitly names their sexual trauma history, by enhancing the degree of safety you extend to them in receiving services (whether a dentist visit, an eye exam, a skin check) - you are reducing the likelihood of triggers, making whole-person healing more accessible, and empowering them in attending to their own care. 

Will I be a certified trauma-informed provider upon completion?

This 20-hour course is not a certificate course. Participation does not inherently qualify someone as a “trauma-informed" provider. We recognize that level of certification demands additional learning, rigor, and experience that unfolds over a more extensive and intensive period of time. Still, these 20 hours will create a profound and personal impact as the insights shares are comprehensive, intimate, tangible, and will likely motivate you to continue on this path of learning. 


The objective of this course is educational, not psychotherapeutic, in nature. The course is not intended to be a substitute for therapy nor for any other form of professional consultation or accreditation. Participation in this learning may stir unconscious or dormant memories, emotional or physical responses, and/or stress responses. If you have been treated for, or believe you may have suffered from an untreated traumatic experience, injury, or systemic condition, please consider if you are in a position to safely engage with the course at this time. You may choose to enlist the support of a professional who can be a resource to you both during and after the course. The Breathe Network and the course facilitators are not liable for any distress that participation might create.